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Suppose that all the bad stuff happening in our
society is happening on purpose.
by Charley Reese
Published in The Orlando Sentinel on June 18, 2000
Suppose, as the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci advocated, that an attempt is being made to control the Western mind. Suppose that "control of the Western mind is to be achieved not only by means of the dishonest use of language, but also through operations to demoralize the West through corrosive attacks on society's institutions, the active promotion of drug abuse, and the spread of agnosticism, nihilism, permissiveness and concerted attacks on the family in order to destabilize the society." 

The quotation is from a forward to the book The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn, a former KGB officer who defected in 1961. Even though this book was published in 1995, it is Golitsyn's earlier book New Lies for Old, published in 1980, that lends credibility to Golitsyn. 

In that first book, nearly a decade before it happened, Golitsyn predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the apparent collapse of communism and the apparent liberalization of Soviet society. He stated that it was all part of a grand strategy of strategic deception. He hasn't changed his mind. 

The idea is to lull the West into disarmament and to create the conditions in the West that would make it easy for it to converge into a new world order, run, of course, by the communists. Is it true or is it paranoia?

The world of intelligence and counter-intelligence has been called a wilderness of mirrors. It's very easy to get lost in suspicion, and it's very difficult to find out the truth. 

It is a fact that drug abuse has been and is being promoted. It is a fact that nihilism, agnosticism and permissiveness are spreading among Americans, particularly younger Americans. A recent survey by Rutgers University found a majority of the 20-somethings saying they are interested only in casual sex and making money. Other surveys consistently show that a high percentage of American students admit to cheating on tests. 

It is an axiom among communists that religion and the traditional cultural and moral hegemony must first be destroyed before the revolution can be successful. 

Religion is under such constant attack by secularists that most journalists think that routine beliefs about the Bible are "controversial." There is, for example, no question whatsoever that the Christian Bible condemns homosexual behavior and clearly does not authorize women to be pastors or priests. That may be news to the secular crowd, but it's ancient history to those of us who grew up in that old-time religion. 

Is all this just happening or are agents of influence promoting it?

Well, too bad, but one of things the American press never covers is the American left. How many stories have you ever seen about the U.S. Communist Party? 

To most journalists, all the bogymen are on the right, and there are only saints and well-intentioned souls on the left. 

At the end of World War II, there was a de-Nazification program, but there has been no de-communization program. Communists are still there, some still wearing the label and others wearing different labels. But, by and large, many of the people in control before the collapse of communism are in control now. 

If the Cold War really ended, why didn't the Russians give us a list of their covert spies, their agents of influence and their sleeper agents?

Instead, the spying kept right on going. 

Question: Is the collapse of communism all a deception or is what Golitsyn has written disinformation? 

Truth has become as elusive as a bat on a foggy night. It's enough to keep a fellow from a good night's sleep.