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Slick Skating on Thin Ice
by Ace Walker
Well, they've gone and done it.

They let Slick skate. Of course we knew it was likely. We knew. We just couldn't convince our next door neighbors of the risk they ran by endorsing this president. And we didn't want to jinx those who fought against him by telling them that the fix was in. Larry Klayman admonished us that it was. And he flat out told us about the already documented danger of the quasi-Stalinist methods of the Clinton administration. A danger that an executive serial crypto-dictatorship would finally be realized if we didn't act to stop it. And it probably has, even though many bravely opposed it. 

But what's worse is that only a remnant recognizes that when we wake up from this long drunk on the collectivist gin of social democracy, we're going to find ourselves in bed with a very bad hangover. We're going to find ourselves with one monumental headache, and hopelessly married to one of the most blood-thirsty, ruthless demons ever to rise from Satan's pit. 

"Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties––but right through every human heart––and all human hearts."
––Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
Now I'm not usually given to transfixing on momentary news or gossip. Reporting on what may seem like a timely issue has a tendency to nail your foot to the floor. But the refusal to remove the de facto Don of this global New Age "mafia" from the office of the presidency has to be one of the defining moments of American History. It may well be one that we can look back on––those of us who are still able to see––as the time when the already abusive hand of an elitist controlled centralized government decided to quit the charade and openly give the American public the finger. So what if we're criminal? So what if it's blatant? What are you going to do about it, anyway? We'll tell you what. You're all going to keep your collective mouths shut, and you're going to pretend this never happened.

So I just can't help myself on this one. And my comments go directly to every jerk from Hollywood to Manhattan, from London to Brussels, who insists on shoving the Fascist demon of totalitarian collectivism onto our sons and daughters. To every puffed up power broker who has insisted that he is superior to everyone else, and thereby fit to royally rule his own puppet state. To those that insist that the only good monopoly is a state monopoly, especially if it is controlled by them.

And on the frontline, members of the American Democratic Party have shown themselves to be the most transparent hypocrites in public history. Knowing the prevaricating Marxist methods most of them have adopted over the past forty years, we probably could expect little more from them. But even GOP senators couldn't stand up to the measure of the truth. They decided to hold the final hearings in the Senate behind closed doors. Republican James Jeffords of Vermont announced his intention to vote for acquittal. He said the president is not guilty, but has "made a hell of a mess for the country." The only thing we can say to him is, No shit, Sherlock! And Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is another. He whined that he wished he could vote for "not proven," rather than guilty or not guilty, and thereby let his butt off the hook. At the news conference where John Chafee of Rhode Island announced his decision to vote against both impeachment articles, Chafee refused questions about the secret proceedings. "I don't want to go to San Quentin," he quipped. What these jerks really mean is that they don't want to go up against the Clinton machine, or those who endorse it. In the end, just like John and Jane Q. Public, Chafee may wish he had gone to San Quentin. Instead he's squirming about in the refuse of pretense with all the others who insist that this all proves that the Constitution still works. To many, it looks more and more like Claire Wolfe's view is going to turn out to be the defining reality.

Everybody paying attention knows about Larry Klayman's Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch submitted an Interim Report to Judge Starr detailing evidence of bribery, possible treason, using the IRS against White House opposition, and other high crimes and misdemeanors. It consisted of 145 pages of text, 187 documentary exhibits, 60 depositions, and nearly 4,000 pages of documentary evidence. The documented evidence included the lawsuit Judicial Watch made against the IRS on behalf of The Western Journalism Center, for politically motivated audits. But somehow, Congress never had the courage to act on it. The growing use of the repressive method has Congress’s trembling collectivist knees all knocking. So with the huge arm of the Fourth Estate propaganda generator at their disposal, powerful establishment elites have apparently decided to stand behind Bill Clinton, no matter what the cost. And the revisionist historians they keep in their pocket will probably have us believe that the monumental evidence pertaining to these charges was untrue. Accordingly, we've opened our very own Pandora's Box of future criminal retribution in the political arena. 

Can you even begin to imagine how all those who've stuck their necks on the line with testimony must feel at this moment? And as I've been pointing out to anyone within range, where will this methodology be a generation from now? This administration stole and used 900 or more FBI files for political purposes. They openly managed a team of private investigators in order to smear their opponents. They used physical threats and intimidation. People are dead. The question now is what future administrations will do to upstage this Clinton theatre? Will the descendants of this administration have a cradle-to-grave national identification system at their disposal to manage political dissent? After this administration, why on God's green earth would anybody trust the bureaucratic elite with such information? And yet by embracing Clinton, the authoritarians have basically assured us something along these lines.

And no sooner had it become clear around the Beltway that there was no remaining power tough enough to hold Bill Clinton accountable, than the White House began to gloat, celebrate and plan revenge. The crimson, now almost diabolically smug grin of the prevaricating POTUS, has got to be causing some spines to buckle. Al Capone, who everyone knew was connected with organized crime, and who was behind the deaths of dozens of potential witnesses willing to testify against him, was finally convicted of income tax evasion. But Mr. Lucky, with an almost depressing set of similar crimes surrounding him, gets to go on skating.

So, with an acquittal in their pockets, the Clinton gang and their string of associates have began to taste the power that Stalin must have savored during the age of the purges. Who remembers that he was not only the man that Solzhenitsyn held accountable for 60 million deaths, but Time Magazine’s "Man of the Year" for both 1939 and 1942? The figureheads of "the Most Ethical Administration in History," the group who had handed investigators forty-five felony convictions, plea-bargains, and fines for criminal corruption from Arkansas to Washington, has apparently decided to turn the tables and investigate the investigators. In a fit of arrogant madness, Janet Reno announced she was now going to "probe" Ken Starr. Republican Senator, and Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch said, "They're blatant enough that, once this is over, they'll try firing Starr, by first smearing him. This Justice Department, in the eyes of many, is the most partisan Justice Department this century." Shortly after this broke, reports had Starr backing off on his threat to indict Clinton even if the Senate declined to remove him. Given the propensity of this administration, Starr and company had better cover their backsides, unless they want Reno’s probe to penetrate. No matter which side they were actually working for, they're liable to be the ones selected to take the fall.

In WorldNetDaily on Feburary 4, 1999, Joseph Farah wrote that, "Dick Morris told Matt Drudge on his Fox News TV show that Senate impeachment investigators he met with recently fear retaliation against by the Clinton administration––specifically in the form of audits by the Internal Revenue Service. Morris also said three veteran investigators with FBI, IRS and other law-enforcement experience expressed fear for their lives. The investigators asked Morris if he was afraid of testifying against Clinton. They asked if he knew about the ‘list of 25 people who have died in mysterious circumstances in connection with this investigation.’ And one of them said ‘I guarantee you that each of us will have an IRS audit when this is over.’ "

Even the New York Times is telling us that Mr. Clinton is furious with House Republicans. So furious that he vowed to do everything possible to defeat them and win back Democratic control of the House in 2000. Representative Chris Cannon of Utah, one of the 13 House prosecutors, said that Mr. Clinton has declared ''a personal vendetta against the House managers.'' To single out certain Republicans for defeat, he said, ''is the height of arrogance, the height of the arrogance of power.'' Meanwhile, a heroic grass roots movement at arranged a full page ad in the February 11th edition of the Washington Times. It featured the names of the 13 House Managers, a picture of George Washington with a single tear, and the headline, "How would he vote?" While not to discredit the honorable effort of these dedicated people, they don't seem to comprehend the evidence of a determined elite behind Bill Clinton. An elite that's protecting him outright, and in effect endorsing his criminal methods. Everyone paying attention knew that the fix was in when Bill Clinton received a standing ovation from his supporters at the Pratt House back in September. Accordingly, nearly all American politicians are very likely compromised. The entire system appears to be compromised. 

Look Rush, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, stating that the king wears no clothes does NOT require a tinfoil hat. Two hundred years ago the most advanced schools of medicine in America taught bleeding as a method of curing disease. When Galileo embraced the Copernican theorem, the evidence was only circumstantial. Nobody had been to the moon. The "earth is the center of the universe" theory was doctrinal, and even those who knew better insisted on supporting the party line, wittingly or unwittingly, for wont of powerful positions of their own. Adherents went so far as to construct wildly gyrating three-dimensional working models to demonstrate once and for all that the sun revolved around the earth. Those that dared to propose a simpler working model were summarily arrested. Today, just to suggest that political power appears to operate somewhat differently from the popular view very nearly brings the same reaction.

And of course everybody, but everybody who's stood up against this executive has been subject to the stealth political weapon of the age: the lawsuit. From Matt Drudge at to Jim Robinson at But then American trial lawyers have been showing a tendency for decades now to behave as "statutory totalitarians," if you'd like to coin a phrase. Whereas Stalin sent his enemies off to the Gulag, modern federal power first uses outraged henchmen to sue an outspoken opponent into poverty. Next, the "executive elite" behind the White House will proceed to expand the already functioning American Gulag. With more per-capita members of the population already incarcerated in America than in any other industrialized nation, what better place to take us? 

Investment advisor James Dale Davidson, one-time friend of Bill Clinton, and author of The Great Reckoning, and The Sovereign Individual, was one of the first to publicly challenge the popular view of the Vince Foster death. Former CIA director William Colby became a contributing writer to Davidson's newsletter, Strategic Investment. No sooner did Colby begin to open up in Strategic Investment than he went canoeing without a life preserver and mysteriously died. In the end, Davidson came to the conclusion that America was hopelessly corrupt, and he quit his conservative political action work in disgust. 

What's really amazing, almost comical, is that if power brokers behind the scenes had only heeded our well-meant advice, they could have dumped dufus Clinton and proceeded with the same goals with one of their own: with Al Gore. Most on all sides would have breathed a sigh of relief, and even their opponents would have been satisfied for a while. They probably could have bought themselves ten cooperative years easily. But they didn't. They’re smarter than the rest of us. Smarter than their messengers. Smarter than their managers. Smarter than their spies. As it is, now we have to all go on and suck up the mess created by their acquitted progeny, while a virtual sword of Damocles hangs over every one of us.

"The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." ––Alexander Solzhenitsyn While Bill Clinton's administration eviscerates and demoralizes the American Military, their pals the Chinese are building up at a rate unequaled since the National Socialists of the 1930's. Even the Russians have deployed new systems, including a ballistic missile weapon said to be superior to anything in the U.S. arsenal. Meanwhile, the Russia people starve under the criminal system that's siphoned 50 billion or more American aid dollars into personal accounts.

According to CBS television newsmagazine 60 Minutes, the Russian military came within minutes of launching a full-scale nuclear strike on the United States in 1996. Their early warning system detected something they nearly mistook for an American attack. All we can wonder is whether Bill was diddling Monica or some other hapless female at that moment. And if those of you who are so diligently protecting this buffoon from your lofty perches aren't asking the same question¾ if you've left him holding the nuclear "football"¾ God help us all.

Even the evidence of a potential Balkanization of the Americas is beginning to rise to credible levels. If nothing more, rumors abound––urban military maneuvers on one side to the infamous Fifth Column on the other. A popular book called Civil War II is circulating underground, predicting the breakup of America into armed camps along social and ethnic lines. Street gangs and drug-financed "tribal" cabals are operating openly throughout North and South America. There are over a half million street gang members, and God only knows how many executive level criminal operations in America. Bill's friends, the Chinese military, were recently caught trying to smuggle 2000 fully automatic AK-47's into the country to distribute among gang members. The leader of the Chicago-based Gangster Disciples, Larry Hoover, has been running operations in 35 states during the last 22 years while in prison for murder. The Gangster Disciples have a 42-page "constitution" and a seven-tiered organizational structure. They've even put candidates on the Chicago ballot.

"I got a political action committee...I got an organization called 21st Century VOTE...That's the folks in the projects, the poor people. You got them dope fiends and wineys, we can get the vote out. We got the army."
––Larry Hoover, Gangster Disciples leader
And now the power brokers, for reasons we can only guess at, have insisted on leaving a deceitful, arrogant, emboldened clown in office to interface for them. They must know how ruthless he and his gang really are, while still believing they can keep him under their control. All we can say to the politicians who dared to oppose Bill Clinton is: You had him right in your sights, and your knees buckled. You were afraid of the FBI files, and fearful of his attack machine. You were terrified of the establishment overseers above him. Well, guess what? He's still got the FBI data, and the attack machine, and the establishment behind him! And he's crying out for a national system where his descendants can manage everyone down to the person who might ever get out of line again.

And to everyone on all sides of this fiasco who's alive to witness this final, informal transition of our Constitutional Republic to this federal democratic dictatorship, take a lesson from Solzhenitsyn's experience while he was a captain fighting on the German front in 1944.

"You are under arrest!"

Burning and prickling from head to toe, all I could exclaim was:

"Me, what for?"

To me his face had always conveyed an order, a command, a wrath. But right now it was illuminated in a thoughtful way. Was it from shame for his own involuntary part in this dirty business? Was it from an impulse to rise above the pitiful subordination of an entire lifetime? Ten days before I had led my own reconnaissance battery almost intact out of the fire pocket in which twelve heavy guns from an artillery battalion had been left, and now he had to renounce me because of a piece of paper with a seal on it?

"You have," he asked weightily, "a friend on the first Ukrainian front?"

"It's forbidden! You have no right!" the captain and the major of counterintelligence shouted at the colonel...But I had already understood: I knew instantly that I had been arrested because of my correspondence with a school friend [for certain "disrespectful" remarks about Stalin], and understood from what direction to expect danger.

Solzhenitsyn got eight years at hard labor for his private "disrespectful" remarks about the benevolent murderer of 60 million, the two-time Time Magazine "Man of the Year": Papa Joe. 

It is not on the basis of a tinfoil hat, or raw paranoia, but on the basis of factual observation, that some are beginning to get serious early warning signs of an imperial malignancy right here in the good ol' U.S. of A.

Meanwhile, Slick's gone skating. And we're all going with him, whether we like it or not. We're all going skating on some of the most dangerously thin political ice since the Civil War. And to all you on the left, from Hollywood to Manhattan, now that you've formally unleashed the hounds of the totalitarian collective, I hope you're satisfied with the current darkness. To you who have insisted on freely fornicating with this syphilitic harlot, this queen of the lie, you who are absolutely convinced that your hypocrisy will protect you, that no accident will ever happen to you.

Well, what can we say? Except...sleep well!

11 December 2000 - Copied from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 7, Feb. 15, 1999